Maintain software tests automatically with AI.
Spend time developing, not fixing tests.
Fix failing locators in tests automatically.
Failing locators cause tests to break - not to fail.
More than 70% of breakages are caused by failing locators. Make your tests self healing and focus development efforts on code, not fixing your tests.
Work on your code, not fixing tests.
LLMs can maintain software tests reliably.
Changes in codebase often affect locators. LLMs can be used to spot these changes, find the locators accurately and fix them automatically.
Automate test maintenance with AI.
Diagnose and fix broken tests automatically.
Not yet another endless subscription.
Built on open source, no vendor lock in.
With a solution based on an open source library, we can help you setup your own automated regression test maintenance, or build the automation for you completely.
Build your own self-healing tests, or let us do it.
Want to automate your test maintenance?
We are currently signing new customers interested in testing automated test maintenance.
Let us know if you might be interested, and let's schedule a call and setup the system.
© 2024